April Fool’s Day – Pesce d’Aprile

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Date(s) - 01/04/2017
All Day


Celebrated every year on April 1 by playing practical jokes and spreading hoaxes.  In Italy, France, Belgium, The Netherlands, and French-speaking areas of Switzerland and Canada this day is often known as “April fish” (poissons d’avril in French, aprilvis in Dutch or pesce d’aprile in Italian). In Italy they draw an image of a fish on a piece of paper with the phrase “Pesce d’Aprile” and tape it to parked cars, inside the teacher’s cupboard, send a younger child to deliver the message to an adult, pin the paper on the back of somebody’s coat and many other silly ways in order to get a big laugh.  Such fish feature prominently on many late 19th- to early 20th-century French April Fools’ Day postcards. Many newspapers also spread a false story on April Fools’ Day, and a subtle reference to a fish is sometimes given as a clue.