Italian Proverbs

Italian parents and grandparents were always there to guide us. Inevitably they always summed up their philosophy of life with a good Italian proverb.  Here are the top Italian proverbs to guide your through 2016 and start your new year off right:

“A ogni uccello il suo nido è bello”  – There’s no place like home.
“La filosofia è quella con la quale or senza la quale la vita segue tale è quale”. – No matter what     others believe in, live your life your way.
“Acqua passata non macina più.” – It’s water under the bridge.
“O sta minestra, o sta finestra.” – Take it or leave it.
“La gatta frettolosa fa i gattini ciechi.” – Haste makes waste.
“Far d’una mosca un elefante.” – Don’t make a mountain out of a molehill.
“A chi dai il ditto si prende anche il braccio” – Give them a finger and they’ll take an arm.
“L’abito non fa il monaco” – The habit doesn’t make the monk.
“Al bisogno si conosce l’amico.” – A friend in need is a friend indeed.
“Batti il ferro quando è caldo.” – Strike while the iron is hot.
“Cane che abbaia non morde.” – Barking dogs seldom bite.
“Chi cerca trova” – Seek and ye shall find.
“Chi fa da se fa per tre.” – If you want to do it right, do it yourself.
“Chi trova un amico, trova un tesoro.” – Finding a friend is like finding a treasure.
“Padrone sono io, ma chi comanda è mia moglie.” – I’m the boss but my wife is in charge.


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